Functional Art

We give Functional Art Services

Functional arts pieces are refer to as aesthetic objects that serve utilitarian purposes. Daily uses objects for example are Furniture tableware glasses, ceramics, the genre is remarkably inclusive: it encompasses everything from furniture and lighting to dishes and even books. Our Functional art is generally applied art – art created for use, designed to serve a purpose and with an aesthetic in mind.

Functional art(furnitures) Creative Furniture celebrates the authentic range of European furniture to grace modern home and office spaces. Our product gallery features attractive furniture designs and crafts that are inspired by the progressive choice of interior and spatial themes.

We have been providing a full range of modern furniture spread, modular units and standalone assortments for home and office purposes for more than a decade now. We lead our way in the segment of contemporary furniture stores with the right blend of application and aesthetics, met with pixel-perfect designs. Our furnishing experts know how to make the finest of furniture art deliver significant utility.


  • Plot 115, Oshodi Art Gallery, opposite Nasfat Akasolori, Ikorodu Lagos
  • 08054847010

At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

Ikorodu, Lagos
(Sat - Thursday)
(8am - 6pm)

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Oshodi Arts Gallery

Oshodi Arts Gallery showcase the history of Nigeria culture, the Nigeria cultural heritage in a visual manner.
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